German genderists get wound up by 'sexist' sausages
 | 29th June 2013
| See article from inquisitr.com
Sexist sausages are causing a PC stir in Germany this week. Supposedly sexualized images on the packaging and suggestive sizes has got the genderists buzzing. The packaging on these sexist sausages is gender-specific. The Frauen sausages are described as lean and are half the size of the
Manner sausages, which are marketed as hearty and strong-spiced. A blog post by feminist journalist Antje Schrupp criticized the brand for its marketing and pricing (the Frauen versions, for instance, are significantly more expensive).
The packaging is also under fire. The male brand features an attractive, scantily-clad woman against a flaming background, while the female brand features a topless, muscle-bound man against a cloudy background. Schrupp quoted a letter of
complaint written by fellow journalist Susanne Enz, which criticized the sausages for dull sexism. She said that the sausages' marketing implied that men eat a lot and heartily, while women mainly want to be thin... Women are there to please, while men
are allowed to enjoy. I found the whole thing really quite unbearable, and I showed it to my partner, and she got really angry, Enz later recalled.
BBC reveals that hackers (and security services?) can take remote control of your webcam
 | 21st June
| See article from bbc.co.uk
Listen on iPlayer from bbc.co.uk
Webcams should be covered when not in use because hackers could be using them to spy on people. A BBC Radio 5 live investigation found sites where hackers exchanged pictures and videos of people captured on their own webcams without their
knowledge. The team found a thriving black market where access to compromised computers was bought and sold for a few pence. Student Rachel Hyndman, 20, from Glasgow, who has a part-time job in a computer shop, believes she was the victim of
webcam hacking. She spotted the camera on her laptop had switched itself on while she was watching a DVD in the bath. She says: I was sitting in the bath, trying to relax, and suddenly someone potentially has access to me in this incredibly private
moment and it's horrifying. Hackers are able to gain access to victims' computers using a piece of malicious software (malware) spread in infected files or by tricking the victim into visiting a spiked webpage. Such victims are labelled slaves
or bots. A BBC Radio 5 live producer posing online as a computer security enthusiast made contact with several webcam hackers from the UK and around the world. At least one of them has since been arrested on suspicion of cyber-offences.
The investigation uncovered websites where hackers share pictures and videos of their victims. They include pages where hackers exchange photos of ugly slaves, and others where men swap pictures of female slaves. For some reason the
programme did not discuss whether national security services have similar capabilities. It will be interesting to see if computer manufacturers are allowed to fit a lens cap.
 | 18th June 2013
The ethics of watching Game of Thrones on the plane See article from ausbt.com.au |
PC extremist council propose to ban fish and chips before 5pm
 | 30th May 2013
| See article from telegraph.co.uk
| BBC: People say that dole queues are caused by council policies suffocating local business
Mayor: Yes.. but look how slim they are! |
Chip shops, kebab houses and fast food chains such as McDonald's would not be allowed to serve hot items over the counter before 5pm under plans being proposed by Salford City Council. It announced last year that it was thinking of bringing in
a ban on mobile takeaway and ice cream van trucks near schools, but the new policy would extend this to permanent takeaways. Cllr Margaret Morris, assistant mayor for health at Salford council, spewed: Takeaways
create jobs and provide a service... BUT ...these ideas are to make sure that they are opening in the right places and not having a negative impact in our city. We don't think they should be serving hot food over the
counter before 5pm near schools, as children should be encouraged to eat healthily, so we have made this clear in our proposal. Public health and helping to reduce obesity levels are a top priority, and while planners cannot
control the food that is sold, we would like every new premise to offer well promoted healthy alternatives so people can have an informed choice about the food they eat. Residents are encouraged to come forward with any comments
or suggestions so they can be taken into consideration before a decision is made on the future of planning in our city.
 | 23rd May 2013
One-Way Mirrors In Scottish Nightclub's Ladies' Room Unsurprisingly Sparks Outrage See article from
huffingtonpost.com |
Indian state bans women from pubs after 10pm
 | 6th May 2013
| See article from
The Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has reportedly banned women from staying in clubs, pubs and bars after 10 pm. Despite the legal age of drinking being 18 years, the Andhra Pradesh Government has also banned those under 21 years from these places at any
time. According to reports, a notification was issued by the State Government directing pubs and bars to ask women customers leave after 10 pm else their liquor license would be cancelled. A senior police officer ludicrously claimed that
the step was taken to stop incidents of drunken women quarreling with car drivers outside bars and clubs at night, say reports. Women's organisations termed the move as male chauvinistic . The secretary of the Progressive Organisation of
Women said: Women are not drunkards. It's unjustifiable to ban their entry after 10 pm. Such discrimination is undemocratic.
Swedish drinks censor whinge about beer bottle with a busty, lusty lady on the label
 | 20th April 2013
| See article from
A cartoon depiction of a busty woman has been deemed too sexy for Sweden's state run liquor store monopoly Systembolaget, forcing a brewery in Denmark to change the beer bottle's label for the Swedish stores. The bottle features a cartoon image of
a woman who is half submerged in water. Above her, the word Lust appears in capital letters. The beer is part of a Seven Deadly Sins Series, from Danish brewers Amager Bryghus, with each of the sins represented by a cartoon image on different
bottles. But Sweden's state-run liquor retailer has decided that the picture on the Lust bottle doesn't abide by Sweden's alcohol etiquette. As a result, Systembolaget has told the brewers to remove or edit the picture if the beer is to be
sold in Sweden. The brewers responded by simply blacking out the entire label so neither the woman nor the bath is visible at all. However the Danish brewers are having the last laugh. Henrik Paps, head of communications at the brewery, told The
Local: There's been a flood of calls and emails from Swedes who think the decision is ridiculous, and they've been ordering copies of the uncensored beer from here in Denmark. We've gained a major following.
Toronto feminist groups get nasty about a group daring to speak of men's rights
 | 13th April 2013
| Thanks to Therumbler See article from
ottawasun.com by Anthony Furey See also equalitycanada.com
Some recent activism has left me wondering what the latest generation thinks feminism even means. Canadian Association for Equality is a group that's been hosting events on men's rights, the idea that males aren't getting a fair shake
in certain aspects of society. One event last month featured Professor Janice Fiamengo arguing women's studies isn't real scholarship but activism. Some may take issue with these ideas, but ultimately they're just public lectures featuring
serious academics. Anyone can attend and critique!. But instead of letting free thought prevail, feminist agitators barricaded the doors, harassed attendees, pulled fire alarms, chanted curses at speakers and more. Police had to get involved.
On a related note, the University of Toronto Student Union, funded by student levies to represent all students, held a town hall on shutting down men's rights events on campus. Some attendees reportedly wanted to expose where men's rights advocates
lived and worked. Other student unions have since moved to ban the creation of men's groups and one student group called for physical confrontation.
London's Covent Garden set to host a Songkran event
 | 10th April 2013
| See article
from travelchatter.dailymail.co.uk See article from
London's Covent Garden is set to be transformed into mini Thailand for the Songkran festival on Friday and Saturday. St Martins Courtyard will be decorated with lanterns and water features and visitors are promised a truly Thai welcome
. There'll be street food carts selling traditional Bangkok snacks and Thai beer and the Tourism Authority of Thailand will be laying on entertainment including folk dancing, fruit carving and garland making, and traditional Thai massages.
The event will take place from noon until 8pm on both days and will be free to enter. Celebrations back in Thailand have been characterised by huge water fights, where revellers come armed with giant water pistols, buckets and hoses. There was no mention of whether water fights would be encouraged at the London event but perhaps pack a waterproof jacket just to be on the safe side.
However given April temperatures, anyone handing out a soaking is likely to be arrested for assault, and probably for criminal damage to an iPhone too.
Spanish gender extremists take Ryanair to court over bikini calendar
 | 3rd April 2013
| See
article from
The Irish low budget airline Ryanair is being prosecuted by gender extremists in Spain over the production of their 2013 calendar featuring female cabin crew in bikinis. Groups in Spain's Malaga province claim the calendar is 'offensive' and
exploits female employees. They claim that the public use of these images is illegal. The case is set to be heard before a three-judge panel on April 30. The calendar is sold on all Ryanair flights for $12 and all proceeds go to the Polish
TVN Foundation, which helps children suffering with cystic fibrosis. The company expects to raise $128,508 for the charity.