Glamour A-GoGo re-opens after a Christmas break
 | 6th January 2013
| Thanks to Ishi |
Glamour A-GoGo recently opened in the Bali Hai Complex at the southern end of Walking Street. The bar was closed on Christmas day with a hand written notice proclaiming that it would be re-opening soon. Which it has now done. The bar is
now mostly coyote. But hopefully there are a couple of bikinis on show to warrant its place as one of 90 GoGo bars in the Pattaya area.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sexy A-GoGo
 | 31st December 2012
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Sexy A-GoGo is located at the 2nd Road end of Soi 7 (not to be confused with Sexy Girls A-GoGo at the 2nd Road end of Soi 8). The bar has been closed for most of the year and re-opened in October. I stopped by for the first time since its
re-opening in the peak season week between Christmas and New year. The very narrow bar has been refurbished since I last remember with bench seating now either side of a narrow central stage. The seats are more comfortable than before as an extra
inch or two has been found for the seat cushion. Before it was more like a ledge than a seat. The dancing crew were a modest affair with just 5 girls in attendance none of which would make the Walking Street grade. The dress code was topless.
However, as in the old days, the girls were very friendly and were happy to chat even though their chances of it resulting in a barfine were negligible. Certainly no lady drink pressure. As a GoGo it is not much to write home about, but somehow
it has proven a very consistently friendly place to have a drink or two.
Glamour A-GoGo dark since Christmas
 | 30th December 2012
| 28th December 2012. Thanks to Ishi |
Glamour A-GoGo recently opened in the Bali Hai Complex at the southern end of Walking Street. The bar was closed on Christmas day with a hand written notice proclaiming that it would be re-opening soon. It has been closed since. Hopefully just for a short time, the GoGo count drops to 90.
Update: Re-opening 30th December 2012. Thanks to Ishi Glamour A-GoGo is now set to re-open on 5th January. Obviously a bit of a disaster to miss out on the peak season week between Christmas and New
Year. There's been no explanation of the closure. A Guess maybe that agency dancer fees have a peak season premium too.
A first visit to Miami A-GoGo
29th December 2012
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Miami A-GoGo opened on Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office). The venue was previously that used by Hot & Cold before it moved I stopped by in the early evening and it was all very disappointing. The bar is quite traditionally laid out with a
smallish central stage. There is comfortable bench seating to the right, a little bench seating to the left, but for the most part there is a long bar counter with a few swivel stools. The bar looks a little incomplete as there is a large unused
space behind the central stage. Perhaps space for a Jacuzzi stage or something later. But in the meantime it leaves a lot of the back right bench seating overlooking exactly nothing. There were just 2 dancers taking turns and each were dancing for
3 songs. Topless was the dress code. The dancers were below average. There were however 2 other bikini clad girls who were excused dancing for some reason. One was below below average, but the other was attractive. However she was enjoying a chat with
her friend rather than doing anything that may improve customer experience in the bar. Draft beer was 50 Baht but that has already been reduced from the 60 Baht reported at the opening, a few days ago. All very dreadful but at least its
bound to better next time.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Club Relaxxx
 | 27th December 2012
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Club Relaxxx is located on the ground floor of the Covent Garden Complex in Soi 16, just off Walking Street. I visited at a prime time during the week before Christmas but the bar was very disappointing. The has been dwindling away over
my last few visits and on this occasion there were simply not enough girls to fill all the dancing stations, and then there were absolutely none to circulate amongst the customers. It is a shame because when it has sufficient momentum, the bar can be
a very hands on, relaxxxed sort of place to be. I think when the bar is short of girls, it should curtain off the back half the area. Then the customers could congregate around the side seating and Jacuzzi. Less dance stations would mean that dancers
could be freed up for what the bar does best, personal customer care. As it was, there was no reason to stay.
Sugar Baby A-GoGo opens on Walking Street
 | 26th December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Sugar Baby A-GoGo has opened up on the corner or Walking Street and Soi 14. It was a bit of race against time and the bar ended up opening around 10pm on Christmas Day. Hopefully well in time for some good festive partying. Drinks
prices are similar to those of sister bar Windmill. The bath tub and playmat show areas have also been adopted by the new bar. There are now 91 bars in the Pattaya area with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Sweet news from Walking Street
 | 25th December 2012
| 24th December 2012. Thanks to Ishi
It seems a bit of a race against time but Sugar Baby A-GoGo is looking to open tonight (24th December). It is located on the corner of Walking Street and Soi 14 and has ownership connections with Windmill on Soi Diamond. It'll be the 91st GoGo in
the Pattaya area when it opens. Meanwhile a surprise drop in drinks prices just at the start of the peak Christmas season. Lighthouse and Mandarin are now offering all time draft beer at 70B, down in peak time from the previous 80 Baht.
Update: Christmas Opening 25th December 2012. Thanks to Ishi Sugar Baby failed to make Christmas Eve, but is now set to open on Christmas day at 7pm
Miami A-GoGo opens and Submarine A-GoGo re-opens
 | 23rd December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Miami A-GoGo has opened its doors on Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office). It is located at the (thankfully) renovated bar that was the previous location for Hot & Cold. The GoGo is offering draft beer at 60 Baht and a review will surely follow.
Meanwhile Submarine A-GoGo has re-opened on Soi LK Metro. This is a bout 6 weeks after being closed following a police raid. There are now 90 Pattaya GoGo with girls dancing in bikinis or less. 90 marks a new zenith in the GoGo count and there
several more being built.
Miami A-GoGo that is
 | 21st December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Miami A-GoGo is set to open on Soi 13/2 better known as Soi Post Office. It will open at 1pm on Saturday 22nd December with a party. It is located where Hot and Cold used to be near the 2nd Road end of the soi. In fact the bar is not
associated with the Las Vegas chain (nor Nevada Club for that matter). It is a lady owner and her first venture into the GOGO game and she will manage it herself. If all goes to plan, then it will be the 89th GoGo in Pattaya.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Private Dancer
 | 21st December 2012
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Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the town. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse . I dropped by several off Walking Street GoGos at a prime time on the week before Christmas. I found that all those that I visited
would have been a bit disappointed by the pre-Christmas rush. Saying that, it was a rather self fulfilling observation as I peeked into some bars on Walking Street that were rammed full, and decided that they were too crowded for me! Anyway
I decided that Soi 15 looked a better bet than Walking Street and stopped by Private Dancer. The bar was ticking over nicely but wasn't very crowded. There were girls on the play/Jacuzzi features on the right as your walk in but they had a look of
anticipation hoping that I would be the first person to sit at that side of the bar. But no, I went into sheep mode and joined the small flock of guys seated in the main stage area. There were half dozen dancers on stage doing there usual thing,
looking about average (average is not bad in Pattaya). I ordered my drink from the reasonably priced menu and sat back to survey the offerings. There were 3 guys enjoying some tender loving care courtesy of a girl on their lap. So all
seemed well. However the crew of dancers was rather stretched to cover all the dancing positions and there weren't any spare girls to look after any newcomers. Surely its one of the issues that must be sorted out in a bar looking to
specialise in more one to one forms of entertainment. If a bar opts to hire top notch girls or provide a show, then a goodly number of customers are happy just to oggle, and the ratio of girls to guys can be quite low. If a bar opts to hire more homely
girls providing a more personal service then the ratio of girls to guys simply has to be a lot higher. Perhaps Private Dancer could have abandoned the unwatched Jacuzzi show and reallocated the girls to hostessing duties. But as it was, I did not
really fancy staying to watch other guys having fun, so one drink was enough. It wasn't just me, there were several other customers who looked in need of a little company, and who soon departed once it looked like this wouldn't happen. But it did
look like a bar where if there had been a few more girls available, I would have been saying it was up there with Baby Dolls and Windmill.
Hot and Cold moves downstairs
 | 19th December 2012
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Hot and Cold is located at the 2nd Road end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) Hot and Cold has moved downstairs since my last visit. Having to climb the stairs in the remote hope of finding an attractive dancer to sit on your lap proved too much
for most customers, and the GoGo had dwindled to almost nothing. The new area is very small, very cheap, and very traditional Hot & Cold. There is probably only enough seating for 8 customers (and their fondle slabs). At least being
downstairs, there were a steady stream of people sticking their heads round the door for a gander. Actually a few stayed for a beer too. The bar has also invested in a new sign. And the best surprise of all was that there were 2 attractive
dancers out of the 6 in attendance. The small bar seems cuddlier and friendlier than before, and I was tempted to stay for the odd half dozen beers by one of the attractive girls on hand. Understandably Hot and Cold has many detractors
(probably the vast majority of GoGo goers), but if you are willing to shoo away the oldies, then I usually find there is plenty of good fun to be had.
Glass House
 | 17th December 2012
| Thanks to eyebee
Glass House is taking shape on Walking Street next door to the recently opened Ginza A-GoGo, itself next door to the long running Nui's Club 2. There's now word yet as to who is behind the venture, nor the opening date.
New York New York becomes a nightclub rather than a coyote bar or GoGo
 | 16th December
| Thanks to Ishi
New York New York is a nightclub on Soi Marine Plaza. The bar has just removed the main stage and ended evening dancing until midnight. Then dancing resumes on the side stages and bar top. This acts as a bit of decoration for what is now a
nightclub rather than a GoGo or coyote bar.
Lady Love set to open on Soi LK Metro
 | 15th December 2012
| Thanks to ishi
Lady Love is the newest bar on Soi LK Metro and it is set to open tonight (Friday). This will be a soft opening with a Grand Opening Party on Monday 17th December. If all goes to plan this will be the 88th bar in Pattaya with girls dancing
in bikinis or less. Update: Opened 15th December 2012. And indeed the bar opened as adevertised.
Times lounge raided by the police
 | 15th December 2012
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There are reports that Times Gentlemen's Lounge hidden away down Pratamnak Soi 1 has been raided by police. It sounded quite serious and the bar was closed. Hopefully it will get sorted out soon.
Bar fine prices at the Moon Club
 | 14th December 2012
| Thanks to Brian
The Moon Club is located on the corner of Soi Diamond and Walking Street. Perhaps anticipating some high season high flyers, the Bangkok 'super models' have returned with their astronomical 5000 Bar fine.
Introduction of a new beer, Pattaya Lager
 | 12th December 2012
| See article from
pattayapeople.com See article from
All Pattaya's society big wigs got together for a promotional party to introduce a new beer from Pattaya, unimaginatively named Pattaya Lager. From the label it seems that the brewer is sticking to the Thai convention of beers being associated
with animals. Perhaps the beer will be become known as Dolphin Beer. The party pictures reveal a snappy promotional line: Come Pattaya, Drink Pattaya
It might even take off! However
reports suggest that the beer will be premium priced similarly to Heineken. Perhaps therefore will only appeal to novelty seeking tourists.
Long standing Jomtien bar returns as a Gentlemen's Club
 | 9th December 2012
| From Stickman
The Winchester has been well known in Jomtien since it was established in 1995. (Except for a period when it was named The Blind Beggar). The bar has just been extensively renovated and will rejoin the fray on Friday 14th December 2012. As
well as the traditional day time hostesses there will be themed nighttime entertainment promising such delights as oil wrestling, domination, sexy nurses and more. There will be an opening promotion of free food at lunchtimes throughout December
(barring Christmas and New Year Eve)
Sugar Baby on Walking Street
 | 8th December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi and eyebee
Sugar Baby is taking shape at the corner of Walking Street and Soi 14. The Gogo has ownership connections with Windmill Club on Soi Diamond and is aiming to open on 28th December 2012.
With barfines set like Wall Street commodity trading...
 | 7th December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
New York, New York has re-opened on Soi Marine Plaza after what appears to be 30 days of police closure. The bar now has about 15 bikini clad dancers. Some of them progress to less clothing during their dance routines. There's still a
65 Baht draft beer but the bar seems to be making up for lost time with its barfines.
- before midnight : 2,500B
- from midnight to 2am : 2,000B
- after 2am : 1,500B
There are now 86 bars in the Pattaya area with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Sensations A-GoGo taking shape on Walking Street
 | 6th December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Sensations A-GoGo will rise from the ashes of Cavern A-GoGo and the Honey Beer Bar. The GoGo will re-open under new management and will not be associated with the Happy Group.
Another GoGo taking shape on Soi LK Metro
 | 5th December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
A new A-GoGo bar is set to open on Soi LK Metro on 14th December 2012. The GoGo will be named Lady Love and is located at the Soi Diana end of the street nearly opposite Champagne A-GoGo.
Another GoGo taking shape in Walking Street
 | 3rd December 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
A new A-GoGo bar (which has no name at this moment); is aiming to open on 25th December. It is located at the corner of Walking Street and Soi 14, opposite Mandarin. New York New York; is set to re-open as an A-GoGo bar on 7th December. Meanwhile 39 Baht happy hour draft has returned to Club Relaxxx.
at Air Port Club
 | 24th November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Air Port Club is located on Walking Street opposite from Soi Diamond. The bars has just hiked up draft beer prices from 85 baht to 125 Baht. Update: Price Crash 24th November 2012. Air Port seems to
have abandoned the 125 Baht draft and restored the price to 85 Baht. Presumably the increase was not well received.
News from Sois 13
 | 23rd November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Soi Yamato (Soi 13/1) is the home of the recently renovated Las Vegas and its sister bar Las Vegas III. Soi Post Office (Soi 13/2) is the home of Club Nevada A-GoGo (which itself was once named Las Vegas). A new GoGo is now taking shape
next door to the Londoner Bar just by Hot & Cold A-GoGo. The new bar is following the pattern and will be known as Miami A-GoGo. There are currently 86 GoGos in the Pattaya area, but Miami is one of a few that will soon push the count up to
Re-opening after police closure
 | 22nd November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Club Relaxxx has re-opened in the Covent Garden Complex after 1 week of police closure. Better than the one month closure originally feared. There are now 84 bars with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Utopia A-GoGo becomes Upstairs A-GoGo
 | 20th November 2012
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Utopia A-GoGo is located on the corner of Walking Street and Soho Square. The venue has now been renamed Upstairs A-GoGo but it is not yet sure if there has been a change of management. There are now nominally 87 GoGos on the Pattaya
list but this figure is need of a re-count as there have been several recent chjanges. Update: More Fun 20th November 2012. From Upstairs A-GoGo The new renovated Upstairs Agogo Bar has a big Cacuzzi with
shower now where customers can play with the girls and enjoy. There's a new bar Slogan: We have sexy girls and serve ice cold drinks . Drink specials include an all night promotion: buy 1 get 1 free on house whiskey, rum,
vodka, or gin for just 119 baht. The bar has introduced cocktails and an extended range of mixers and beverages. They also offer a late hour special from 02-03 am (all bottled beers for 69 baht)
Police closures
 | 19th November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
The police have been very active lately raiding bars. The current casualty list reads:
- Club Relaxxx in the Covent Garden Complex is closed by police for 1 month from 15th November. There's a possibility to re-open on 22nd November.
- New York New York on Soi Marin Plaza. The closure seems to be set for a month. The
bar has got a notice on the door claiming to be closed for renovation.
- Submarine A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro is also closed. Presumably a month but this is not confirmed. One post on the Pattaya forums suggested that the closure may be
Renovations on Soi Diamond
 | 17th November 2012
| Thanks to Brian
Mum Bar re-opened 1st of December 2012. The bar had a bit of a upgrade, same layout, walls are now wooden, not painted, There's a new pool table at the back of the bar, and as before there are coyote dancers. Mum Bar is located on Soi
Diamond a few paces from Walking Street. Carousel open air bar opposite Mum is looking at renovating after high season, putting air conditioning in with all glass walls in the area where you can sit down and drink.
Glamour A-GoGo opens in the Bali Hai Complex
 | 10th November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi |
Glamour A-GoGo has opened in the Bali Hai Complex at the south end of Walking Street. The venue was once set to be Ozone but that venture fell through. The latest offering is run by Philip, a former co-owner of Lollipop. I saw 6 coyotes and
about 10 dancers (some were topless) in the bar. There's a shower booth but nobody was in it. Show time by naked dancers has not started yet. Draught beer is not ready yet. Most of the signs outside are still Ozone They all will be
changed in one week. And some dancers who worked at Lollipop are going to join this bar. draught beer : 90B soft drinks : 95B bottled beer : 130B Lady drinks : from 120B Barfines : Coyotes : 1500B Barfines : GoGo dancers : 700B
Another new record of 89 bars with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Continuing seasonal police raids
 | 9th November 2012
| 8th November 2012. Thanks to Ishi |
The police have resumed bar raids and some GoGos have fallen victim to licensing rules. New York New York and Submarine have been dark for 2 nights whilst Mash and Office are dark tonight. Submarine, Mash and Office will re-open tomorrow.
No information on the re-opening of New York New York though. Update: Submarine still sunk 9th November 2012. Mash and The Office have now re-opened. New York New York and Submarine are still dark.
Staff at New York New York say that it is hoped that the bar will re-open next week.
News from Sois 7 and 8
 | 6th November 2012
| Review from Durian Doug of www.thai-100.com
Sexy A-GoGo has reopened on Soi 7. 23 Club coyote bar on Soi 8 has reopened in a single unit with the the other 2 units for sale / rent. Dreams A- GoGo on Soi 8 is still undergoing construction with no observable interior work being
done. World Wide A-GoGo on Beach Road between Soi 7 & Soi 8 has had some much needed ceiling renovations done See Updated Google map of Sois 7 and 8 .
Halo A-GoGo takes over where Lollipop A-GoGo left off
 | 5th November 2012
| Thanks to Ishi |
Halo A-GoGo is located on Walking Street towards the Beach Road end. Halo Club changed its name to Halo A-GoGo on 4th November. I saw 11 dancers in the bar. Dancers are from Lollipop and they have the same number plates when they worked at
Lollipop. Two bottomless ladies were in a Jacuzzi and half of the dancers on the stage were topless. draught beer was 59B(all night). Barfines: Coyotes (they all dance outside): 1500B (1000B after midnight) GoGo dancers (they all dance
inside): 800B(600B after midnight) There are now 88 bars in the Pattaya area with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Lollipop A-GoGo closes on Walking Street
 | 4th November 2012
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Lollipop A-GoGo was located on central Walking Street under Galaxy Club. It seems that the owners of the building, which is currently a builder's yard, have other plans for the site. Connections to the GoGo have bought a beer bar on the
Soi leading up to Happy A-GoGo. The new bar is unsurprisingly named Lollipop Bar. The bar closed just 10 days before its 5th anniversary. There are now 87 bars in the Pattaya area with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Changes on Soi 6
 | 3rd November 2012
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The old Willy's Hangout bar on Soi 6 has had a facelift and reappeared as Joys Sports Bar. It is still an open bar though. It is located near the Beach Road end opposite Passion A-GoGo.
Ginza A-GoGo opens an upstairs section
28th October 2012
| Thanks to Eyebee
Ginza A-GoGo is newly opened on Walking Street next door to Nui's Club 2. I was in Ginza last night around midnight. They did have draught beer for 65 baht as opposed to the 59 baht it costs during happy hour.
The upstairs bar is now open and features nude and topless dancers, while the downstairs dancers are now bikini-clad. However the upstairs bar is very tiny and only features 2 or 3 dancers at a time.
Silver Star makes its seasonal re-opening
 | 27th October 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Silver Star is located on Soi 8. The GoGo is repeating its pattern of seasonal openings. It re-opened as advertised on 26th October 2012. The GoGo count now stands at an all time high of 88.
Ginza A-GoGo opens on Walking Street
 | 23rd October 2012
| 16th October 2012. Thanks to Ishi
The builders at Ginza A-GoGo have completed and the bar opened on 15th October. The bar is located next to Nui's Club 2 on Walking Street. And for background Ginza is a smart Tokyo shopping area. On an opening night visit there
were 25-30 dancers in the bar and most of them were coyotes. They have another stage on the upper floor, but it's not opened yet. No drinks menu, no draught beer, no prices displayed outside.
Soft drinks are 95B, Bottled beer is 125B and bar fines are 600B. There is an early happy hour from 7:45pm to 9:00pm The bar will take a week or so of soft opening to work out how it will operate. Assuming that "mostly coyote" implies that some girls were dancing in bikinis then there are now 87 bars in the area with girls dancing in bikinis or less. An all time high and will creep higher in the next few days.
Update: Early Last Orders 23rd October 2012. Thanks to Ishi Ginza have come up with an original idea. The bar now serves draft beer during the bar's short happy hour until 9pm. The option is then
hastily removed from the drinks menu for the rest of the evening. It all sounds a bit mixed up. What's the point of attracting customers looking for a cheap drink and then totally pulling the rug on them a few minutes later?
New owners at Paradise A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro
 | 18th October 2012
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Paradise A-GoGo has new owners who are well known in Walking Street where they own Sweethearts A-GoGo. Johan has now outlined the vision for Paradise and it is to provide traditional GoGo pleasures with plenty of nudity and good value drinks
prices. Expensive coyotes and agency models are not going to be found in Paradise. Connections are hoping that customers will find a girl or two that are attractive enough to barfine, and that expectations for compensation will be
reasonable. Drinkers will hopefully find a girl or two that is fun and friendly, and drinks prices will be reasonable enough to make for an enjoyable visit. The previous friendly manager Paul is continuing in the job. Sounds a good
approach to me.
Walking Street GoGos fall victim to police raids
 | 16th October 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Police were out in force on Monday night raiding bars and checking licensing paperwork etc. At 10:30 pm, Alcatraz, Baby Dolls, Moulin Rouge and Halo Club were all closed. Pattaya forum reports add Bada Bing and The Dollhouse to the list.
hopefully just an expensive hiccup.
Old GoGo re-opens as pussy tricks show bar
 | 10th October 2012
| thanks to Ishi
Hooty's Showgirls re-opened on 5th October on Walking Street next to Roxy and Insomnia. However is has now become a pussy tricks show bar targeting tourist couples. It has an entrance charge covering the first drink and seems to be part
of the chain that operates the similar Playgirls and Hot Girls. (The same owners also run GoGos targeting farang guys, such as Airport and Nui's Club 2). Hooty's was previously a long running GoGo that specialised in sexy shows, but closed in June
2011 after a long decline. There are now 86 bars in Pattaya that have girls dancing in bikinis or less. However this includes 2 expensive East European dance bars and 4 pussy tricks show bars that are unlikely to appeal to farang guys.
OMG on Soi 6 becomes Fun Seeker
 | 8th October 2012
| Thanks to John and Paul
OMG, a GoGo on Soi 6 has changed hands and become Fun Seeker Dance Club. OMG took over from Wanthana's in April 2011. The venue was Betty Boup before that. This doesn't change Pattaya's GoGo count, but the count has been incremented
by one to 85 as topless dancers have been introduced at the new Showgirls on Soi LK Metro.
Upstairs at the new Showgirls Entertainment Centre
 | 8th October 2012
| Review from Durian Doug of www.thai-100.com
Show Girls on Soi LK Metro also opened on 4th October. I visited Showgirls A-GoGo on Oct 5, 2012 and stayed there for the massive rain that night for 2-3 hours, before wading through ankle deep water on Soi LK
Metro and knee deep water on Soi Diana and Soi Buakhaow. The downstairs is badly screwed up and agree with Ishi's comments. Go directly to the second floor stairs if you can negotiate those seated or standing around.
The second floor part is much bigger and lots more girls, some coyote in the window visible from Soi LK Metro, as well as various cages, some dancing topless on the second floor glass ceiling of the first floor.
The third floor is for parties and short time. There is a glass elevator between the second and third floors which moves up and down with a coyote dancer visible from Soi LK Metro.
See Updated Google map of Soi LK Metro .
News from Ishi, October 2012: First Impressions Initial comments
centred on warm beer and a rather poor layout of the downstairs bar. Seems best to try upstairs. Drinks prices are reported to be higher than the Soi LK norm.
Sexy A-GoGo re-opens on Soi 7
 | 7th October 2012
| Thanks to Dick Farang
Sexy A-GoGo has re-opened on Soi 7 (not to be confused with Sexy Girls A-GoGo on Soi 8). The GoGo is part of the Kiss group which includes Far East Rock. I heard that Paradise has been sold so maybe that is no longer part of the group. Anyway Sexy A-GoGo is pretty much the same as before and bottled beer is 95 Baht.
The GoGo count is near an all time high with 84 bars currently open and featuring girls dancing in bikinis or less. And more on the way.
New openings in Pattaya
 | 5th October 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
World Wide A-GoGo on Beach Road has now re-opened after renovations on 4th October. Show Girls on Soi LK Metro also opened on 4th October. Initial forum comments centred on warm beer and a rather poor layout of the downstairs bar. Seems best
to try upstairs. Drinks prices are reported to be higher than the Soi LK norm. Meanwhile Private Dancer on Soi 15 is set to open its new wing tonight (5th October). This is a new section of the bar added by merging in the old Eazy Room GoGo.
The GoGo count has now incremented to 82 but this does not include Showgirls. Early reports say that there is no nudity and that the girls are fully clothed. Maybe just a coyote bar for the moment.
Promising flyer for the new Showgirls Entertainment Centre
 | 4th October 2012
| Flyer posted on several Pattaya forums
| Showgirls is set to open tonight (4th October) on Soi
LK Metro. The flyer certainly looks interesting.
Bars set to open in the next month or so
 | 3rd October 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
World Wide A-GoGo on Beach Road is now set to re-open after renovations on 4th October. But no doubt Show Girls on Soi LK Metro will steal the lime light when it opens on the same day. One day behind is Teazers. It has had a bit of a
renovation and is implementing ideas to try and better use the rather narrow space. It is set to re-open on 5th October. Meanwhile Ginza A-GoGo on Walking Street next to Nui's 2 is now targeting 17th October as an opening date. An about a
month away there are new plans to bring back Hooty's. It has been closed for quite a while. There was a plan, that got at least as far as remodeling the entrance, for it to become Roxy 2, but this was later shelved. Talk at the time was for it to become
a coyote venue. Anyway the bar is now being renovated, and something new will appear in about a month's time.
Carlsberg ties up with the Singha brewery
 | 3rd October 2012
| See article from
Carlsberg, the world's fourth-biggest brewer, is returning to Thailand after a seven-year hiatus, following Heineken's successful bid to expand in Southeast Asia. Carlsberg is teaming up with Singha Corp. to distribute, market and sell its brands
in the country, it said Sept. 28. Thailand, with a population of about 67 million, is one of the few Southeast Asian countries where the Copenhagen-based brewer has a negligible footprint. The joint venture with the maker of Leo beer gives Carlsberg a
partner that controls almost 60% of Thailand's beer market. The Danish brewer has stumbled in Thailand before. A joint venture formed in 2000 with Chang Beverages, failed to develop as planned. The story was that Chang were caught relabeling Chang
as Carlsberg rather than brewing to the approved Carlsberg recipe.
Mandarin Walking Street opened on 1st October
 | 2nd October 2012
| Thanks to Ishi
Mandarin Walking Street opened on 1st October 2012 at 8pm. It is located at the corner of Soi 14 and will add to the chain of Tiger, Shark, Fahrenheit and Lighthouse. A visit on opening night revealed that everything is almost the same as
other Shark Group GoGos. However the dancers were rather over-dressed. I counted nearly 30 dancers on the stage in the 2 teams. I saw no bottomless dancers, and just a couple of topless dancers. There are now 82 bars with girls dancing in
bikinis or less. And there are several more are about to come online.